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Junta y personal

Florence Ackey, MSW
RAMWI's Founder and CEO

Florence Ackey is the passionate, mission-driven, Founder and Executive Director of the Refugee and Migrant Women’s Initiative. After years of working in the community and local agencies to advocate for and increase the visibility of newly arrived refugee, migrant, and international women, Florence founded RAMWI in 2013. The goal was to help, even in a small way, by having RAMWI serve as a bridge of hope and resources to the hundreds of refugee families that resettled in Tampa Bay. 

Her Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work set the stage for her work as a servant leader, which she demonstrates in her roles as both a Refugee Health Specialist with the Florida Department of Health and a doctoral student in Advanced Leadership Practices in Public Health at the University of South Florida. Additionally, she currently serves as the Chair of the Tampa Bay Refugee Task Force’s Refugee Mental Health Team. She is frequently invited to lead trainings, guest speak, and present to the community (both public and private sectors) on refugee health and working to meet the needs of vulnerable and culturally diverse populations. In 2017, she received the honor of being nominated for the Florida Public Health Woman of the Year. She was also twice the recipient of the Making A World of Difference Award by Refugee Services, Department of Children and Families.


As a devoted mother of 3, she models the values needed for innovative, compassionate, and effective leadership through service and advocacy. In the words of Kristen Welsh, "I don't want to be the ceiling to their potential, I want to be their floor."

ā€‹ā€‹Elizabeth A. Dunn, MPH, CPH
Board Vice President

I am a full-time Instructor at the USF College of Public Health (COPH) where I've taught courses in disaster management, humanitarian relief, and homeland security since joining the college in 2012. I am pursuing a Doctorate of Public Health (DrPH) in Public Health Leadership from the USF COPH. The focus of my research involves evaluating disaster management systems working primarily with vulnerable populations, examining how the built environment and social determinants impact disaster resilience, population movements, and refugee resettlement (i.e., evacuation decision-making, IDPs/refugees, human trafficking). I serve as the Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Refugee and Migrant Women’s Initiative (RAMWI), Chair of the Hillsborough County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Working Group, and Lead for the FEMA Higher Education Special Interest Group for Service-Learning and Leadership.

Michael D Jimenez, CPA
Board Treasurer

I am President of Jimenez CPA Inc. My firm provides tax, accounting, virtual CFO services and accounting systems conversions for businesses and nonprofits. I have 23 years of experience in corporate management and executive accounting roles, both in nonprofit and for profit organizations. My experience includes years of charter school finance, grants financial management and government contracting. I am a U.S. Army veteran, having served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I have worked with complex tax and accounting issues, including recovering millions of dollars in revenue for my employers and tax clients. I have also performed several complex accounting systems conversions that increased operating efficiency. My objective is to bring my past experience to current and prospective clients. I can be reached at: or 813-727-6108.

ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹Courtney Erickson, MBA
RAMWI's Director of Social Enterprise

My name is Courtney Erickson and I live in St. Petersburg, Fl. My role as Director of Social Enterprise for RAMWI is perfect for my mission-driven and entrepreneurial personality. I thrive on empowering women through equitable access to opportunity and the power of a supportive community, no matter the barrier. I am incredibly proud of winning the "Bold Woman" award from the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America for my work founding Sew Much Hope Project, and I strive to raise my three children to be bold change-makers too. I received a B.A. in Communications from Villanova University and an MBA from the University of Washington. I have spent my career working with under-served communities in the US and abroad, and I am inspired every day by the refugee families I know through RAMWI and their resilience and capacity for joy. When I am not overseeing sewing workshops, I can be found on my paddleboard in the mangroves or folding laundry. 

Jennifer Miner Knippen, MBA, PhD

Board Member at Large


Jennifer Knippen is an Associate Professor of Management at Eckerd College and was the founding Co-Director of the Eckerd College St. Pete Center for Civic Engagement and Social Impact. Jennifer earned her doctorate in Strategic Management from the University of Florida in 2012 and holds degrees from both Thunderbird, School of Global Management, and Florida State University. With over 14 years of experience teaching courses in strategic management, leadership, and entrepreneurship, Jennifer brings to RAMWI her knowledge of business and entrepreneurship education and a commitment to empowering women. While her academic research focuses on women’s leadership advancement within organizations, she is equally committed to helping women discover how they can create their own entrepreneurial opportunities. Jennifer is inspired by RAMWI’s dedication to empowering refugee and migrant women by helping them realize the strength of their community, voice, and creativity.

Junta Directiva:
Florencia Ackey, MSW
Fundador y CEO

Florence Ackey es la fundadora y directora ejecutiva apasionada e impulsada por la misiĆ³n de la Iniciativa de Mujeres Migrantes y Refugiadas. DespuĆ©s de aƱos de trabajar en la comunidad y en las agencias locales para defender y aumentar la visibilidad de las mujeres refugiadas, migrantes e internacionales reciĆ©n llegadas, Florence fundĆ³ RAMWI en 2013. El objetivo era ayudar, aunque sea de una manera pequeƱa, haciendo que RAMWI sirva como un puente de esperanza y recursos para los cientos de familias de refugiados que se reasentaron en Tampa Bay. 

Su MaestrĆ­a en Trabajo Social ClĆ­nico sentĆ³ las bases para su trabajo como lĆ­der de servicio, lo que demuestra en sus roles como Especialista en Salud de Refugiados en el Departamento de Salud de Florida y estudiante de doctorado en PrĆ”cticas Avanzadas de Liderazgo en Salud PĆŗblica en la Universidad. del sur de Florida. AdemĆ”s, actualmente se desempeƱa como Presidenta del Equipo de Salud Mental de Refugiados del Grupo de Trabajo de Refugiados de Tampa Bay. Con frecuencia es invitada a dirigir capacitaciones, hablar como invitada y presentar a la comunidad (tanto en el sector pĆŗblico como en el privado) sobre la salud de los refugiados y el trabajo para satisfacer las necesidades de las poblaciones vulnerables y culturalmente diversas. En 2017, recibiĆ³ el honor de ser nominada a la Mujer del AƱo de Salud PĆŗblica de Florida. TambiĆ©n recibiĆ³ dos veces el premio Making A World of Difference de Refugee Services, Department of Children and Families.


Como madre devota de 3 hijos, modela los valores necesarios para un liderazgo innovador, compasivo y efectivo a travƩs del servicio y la defensa. En palabras de Kristen Welsh, "No quiero ser el techo de su potencial, quiero ser su piso".


Jennifer Miner Knippen, MBA, PhD - Presidenta

Jennifer Knippen es profesora asociada de administraciĆ³n en Eckerd College y codirectora del Eckerd College St. Pete Center for Civic Engagement and Social Impact. Jennifer obtuvo su doctorado en GestiĆ³n EstratĆ©gica de la Universidad de Florida en 2012 y tiene tĆ­tulos de Thunderbird, School of Global Management y Florida State University. Con mĆ”s de 13 aƱos de experiencia impartiendo cursos en gestiĆ³n estratĆ©gica, liderazgo y emprendimiento, Jennifer aporta a RAMWI su conocimiento de la educaciĆ³n empresarial y empresarial y su compromiso con el empoderamiento de las mujeres. Si bien su investigaciĆ³n acadĆ©mica se enfoca en el avance del liderazgo de las mujeres dentro de las organizaciones, estĆ” igualmente comprometida a ayudar a las mujeres a descubrir cĆ³mo pueden crear sus propias oportunidades empresariales. Jennifer se inspira en la dedicaciĆ³n de RAMWI para empoderar a las mujeres refugiadas y migrantes ayudĆ”ndolas a darse cuenta de la fuerza de su comunidad, su voz y su creatividad.

Elizabeth A. Dunn, MPH, CPH - Vicepresidenta

Soy instructor de tiempo completo en la Facultad de Salud PĆŗblica (COPH) de la USF, donde he impartido cursos sobre gestiĆ³n de desastres, ayuda humanitaria y seguridad nacional desde que me unĆ­ a la universidad en 2012. Estoy cursando un Doctorado en Salud PĆŗblica (DrPH ) en Liderazgo en Salud PĆŗblica de la USF COPH. El enfoque de mi investigaciĆ³n consiste en evaluar los sistemas de gestiĆ³n de desastres que trabajan principalmente con poblaciones vulnerables, examinando cĆ³mo el entorno construido y los determinantes sociales impactan la resiliencia ante desastres, los movimientos de poblaciĆ³n y el reasentamiento de refugiados (es decir, toma de decisiones de evacuaciĆ³n, desplazados internos/refugiados, trata de personas). Sirvo como Vicepresidenta de la Junta Directiva de la Iniciativa de Mujeres Refugiadas y Migrantes (RAMWI), Presidenta del Grupo de Trabajo de Estrategia Local de MitigaciĆ³n (LMS) del Condado de Hillsborough y LĆ­der del Grupo de InterĆ©s Especial de EducaciĆ³n Superior de FEMA para el Aprendizaje-Servicio y Liderazgo.




Michael D JimƩnez, CPA - Tesorero

Soy presidente de Jimenez CPA Inc. Mi empresa brinda servicios de impuestos, contabilidad, CFO virtual y conversiones de sistemas contables para empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Tengo 23 aƱos de experiencia en funciones de administraciĆ³n corporativa y contabilidad ejecutiva, tanto en organizaciones sin fines de lucro como con fines de lucro. Mi experiencia incluye aƱos de financiaciĆ³n de escuelas chĆ”rter, gestiĆ³n financiera de subvenciones y contrataciĆ³n gubernamental. Soy un veterano del EjĆ©rcito de los EE. UU. y prestĆ© servicio en la OperaciĆ³n Libertad IraquĆ­. He trabajado con problemas complejos de impuestos y contabilidad, incluida la recuperaciĆ³n de millones de dĆ³lares en ingresos para mis empleadores y clientes de impuestos. TambiĆ©n he realizado varias conversiones de sistemas contables complejos que aumentaron la eficiencia operativa. Mi objetivo es llevar mi experiencia pasada a clientes actuales y potenciales. Me pueden contactar en:mike@jcpainc.como813-727-6108.



Courtney Erickson
Director de Empresa Social

Mi nombre es Courtney Erickson y vivo en St. Petersburg, Florida. Mi papel como Director de Empresa Social para RAMWI es perfecto para mi personalidad emprendedora e impulsada por la misiĆ³n. Prospero en el empoderamiento de las mujeres a travĆ©s del acceso equitativo a las oportunidades y el poder de una comunidad de apoyo, sin importar la barrera. Estoy increĆ­blemente orgullosa de ganar el premio "Mujer audaz" de Mujeres de la Iglesia EvangĆ©lica Luterana de AmĆ©rica por mi trabajo fundando Sew Much Hope Project, y me esfuerzo por criar a mis tres hijos para que tambiĆ©n sean audaces creadores de cambios. Desde que me graduĆ© de la Universidad de Villanova con una licenciatura en Comunicaciones, he pasado mi carrera trabajando con comunidades desatendidas en los EE. UU. y en el extranjero, y me inspiran todos los dĆ­as las familias de refugiados que conozco a travĆ©s de RAMWI y su resiliencia y capacidad para la alegrĆ­a. Cuando no estoy supervisando talleres de costura, me pueden encontrar en mi tabla de remo en los manglares o doblando la ropa. 




Rashida Kamis - Miembro en general

biografĆ­a prĆ³ximamente




April McCulloh - Miembro en general

biografĆ­a prĆ³ximamente


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